
nchoudhary by Neelam Choudhary

What Is ENS (Ethereum Name Service) And How Does It Work?


Ethereum Name Service (ENS) has emerged as a revolutionary decentralized naming system, reshaping how we perceive and interact with cryptocurrency wallet addresses. In addition to their primary use-case of human-readable names for wallet addresses, ENS names are also web domain names ending in .eth registered on the Ethereum blockchain independently of ICANN oversight. This departure from traditional DNS (Domain Name System) ensures increased security, immutability, and ownership control owing to ENS’s Blockchain Domain Resolution technology. Unlike conventional domain names that rely on centralized servers, ENS leverages blockchain technology to resolve domain addresses, enhancing reliability and reducing dependency on a single point of failure.

In this blog, we will explore the intricacies of ENS, its functionality, and its stark differences compared to traditional domain names.

How Does ENS Work?

ENS is a decentralized domain name system built on the Ethereum blockchain. Users can register domain names through a process involving smart contracts, making ownership transparent and resistant to censorship. The core components of ENS include:


Registrars in the ENS ecosystem are entities responsible for managing the domain registration process. These entities ensure fair and transparent access to domain names. Unlike traditional domain registration systems where you go through a centralized authority, ENS leverages a decentralized approach. Multiple registrars can be involved, and they operate based on smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. The use of smart contracts introduces a level of automation to the registration process. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. In the context of ENS, these smart contracts manage the registration rules, ownership transfers, and other aspects, providing a transparent and tamper-resistant system.


The resolver plays a crucial role in the ENS infrastructure by converting human-readable domain names into Ethereum addresses. In the traditional internet, this process is similar to the Domain Name System (DNS), where domain names like are translated into IP addresses like In ENS, when a user enters a human-readable name associated with an ENS domain, the resolver translates this name into the corresponding Ethereum address. This translation is essential for seamless transactions and interactions within the Ethereum network. The resolver ensures that users can interact with the Ethereum blockchain using familiar and user-friendly identifiers rather than complex hexadecimal addresses.


Domains on ENS are the registered names, and they function similarly to traditional domain names on the internet. Users can register a domain through the ENS system, and once registered, they have ownership and control over that domain. This ownership is tied to cryptographic keys, specifically a private key that proves ownership on the Ethereum blockchain. ENS domains can be used for various purposes within the Ethereum ecosystem, such as simplifying transactions, creating decentralized websites, and associating names with NFTs or token addresses. The decentralized nature of domain ownership on ENS makes it resistant to censorship and provides users with a high level of control.

User Requests ENS Domain Registration Registrar Resolver
User Submits Registration Transaction to ENS Registrar Verifies Ownership and Registers Domain Resolver Resolves Domain to Ethereum
ENS Confirms Registration Completion to User Registrar Records Registration Resolver Returns Ethereum Address to User

ENS vs. Traditional Domain Names

Security and Decentralization:

Ethereum Name Service (ENS):

  • Decentralisation: ENS operates on a decentralised blockchain network, ensuring that no single entity has control over the entire system. This decentralised nature makes it resistant to censorship and interference.
  • Security: ENS leverages the security features of the Ethereum blockchain, providing a robust and tamper-resistant system.

Traditional Domain Names:

  • Centralization: Traditional domain names rely on central authorities, such as domain registrars and DNS providers. This centralization introduces vulnerabilities and potential points of control or failure.
  • Security: Traditional domain names are susceptible to various types of attacks, including DNS hijacking and domain theft, due to their centralised nature.

Ownership and Control:

Ethereum Name Service (ENS):

  • Complete Ownership: ENS allows users to have full ownership and control over their domain names through private keys associated with Ethereum addresses. Users have autonomy in managing and transferring ownership.

Traditional Domain Names:

  • Registrar Control: Traditional domain registrars retain control over domain ownership. Users essentially lease domain names, and registrars can influence or restrict domain activities.


Ethereum Name Service (ENS):

  • Seamless Integration: ENS is designed to seamlessly integrate with other decentralised applications (dApps) on the Ethereum network. This integration fosters a cohesive ecosystem where users can use their ENS names across various platforms.

Traditional Domain Names:

  • Limited Integration: Traditional domain names are primarily designed for use with the traditional internet infrastructure. They lack the inherent integration with blockchain and decentralised technologies.

Name Resolution and Addressing:

Ethereum Name Service (ENS):

  • Human-Readable Addresses: ENS translates complex Ethereum addresses into human-readable names, enhancing user experience in transactions and interactions within the Ethereum network.

Traditional Domain Names:

  • IP Address Resolution: Traditional domain names primarily serve to map human-readable names to IP addresses on the internet. They lack the specific translation of complex cryptographic addresses used in blockchain networks.

Smart Contract Functionality:

Ethereum Name Service (ENS):

  • Smart Contract Association: ENS allows users to associate domain names with smart contracts, enabling more complex and interactive functionalities within the Ethereum ecosystem.

Traditional Domain Names:

  • Limited Smart Contract Interaction: Traditional domain names are not inherently associated with smart contracts, limiting their capacity for executing complex operations and transactions.

What ENS Is Used For:

Let’s explore various use cases of the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) and how it plays a crucial role in simplifying transactions, enabling decentralised websites, and contributing to the realm of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and token addresses:

Simplifying Transactions:

In the traditional Ethereum ecosystem, users need to deal with complex hexadecimal addresses when sending or receiving transactions. These addresses are not user-friendly and are prone to errors during manual input, leading to potential loss of funds or other transaction-related mistakes. ENS replaces these lengthy addresses with human-readable domain names. Users can assign names like “yourname.eth” to represent their Ethereum addresses. This simplification significantly enhances the user experience by making transactions more intuitive and reducing the likelihood of errors.

Decentralised Websites:

Traditional websites rely on centralised domain name systems (DNS) and web hosting services. These systems are vulnerable to censorship and control by central authorities. ENS allows users to deploy decentralised websites using ENS domain names. By doing so, users contribute to the broader movement towards decentralised applications (DApps) and content distribution. ENS helps in fostering censorship resistance by eliminating reliance on centralised entities.

NFTs and Token Addresses:

NFTs and token addresses are associated with complex contract addresses or wallet addresses. Discovering and interacting with these assets can be challenging, especially for non-technical users. ENS is increasingly used to associate user-friendly names with NFTs and token addresses. Users can personalise and enhance the discoverability of their digital assets by associating them with ENS names. For example, an artist could associate their NFTs with their artistic name or brand.

Overall Impact:

  • User Adoption: ENS significantly contributes to the broader adoption of blockchain technology by providing a more user-friendly interface.
  • Accessibility: Simplifying transactions, enabling decentralised websites, and enhancing NFT interactions make blockchain technology more accessible to a wider audience.
  • Brand Recognition: ENS allows users and businesses to establish a recognizable.


The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) represents a pioneering force in blockchain innovation, providing users with a seamless and decentralised framework for managing transactions and interactions within the Ethereum network. Its commitment to user-friendly practices, coupled with the elimination of central authorities, marks a significant step toward democratising blockchain technology. ENS’s integration with decentralised applications and its promising applications in the NFT space underscore its versatility and potential to shape the future of the broader blockchain ecosystem. As a key player in simplifying transactions, empowering decentralised websites, and enhancing the NFT landscape, ENS stands as a beacon of innovation, showcasing the transformative potential of decentralised systems in the evolving landscape of digital interactions.